Older Newsletters
Commodore's Note, 2009 Race Results, 2009 Appeals, Richard Chapman Grant Report, Grants-In-Aid Report, Lake Michigan Hall of Fame Announcement, Best on Lake Michigan Results. Jimmy Talbot & Verve Photos.
Commodore Note, LMSRF Area IV Racing Report, Area V Racing Report, Richardson Trophy Report, Race Management Report, Ciara McHugh Grant Report, Steve Lowery Grant Report, Susie Pegel Grant Report, Hall of Fame Announcement.
Commodore's Note, New T-10 Fleet at Waukegan, Area IV Report, Crowley's Sailapoalooza, Around Mackinac Island NOR, Protest Time Limits, Appeals Committee Report, Macman Challenge - Mackinac Island to Manitoulin Island NOR, Area III On the Water Guide for Race Committees, Hunter Radcliff Grant Report.
Commodore's Note, 2016 Olympic Games in Chicago Part III, Area III Report, Area IV Report, Stephanie Hudson Grant Report, Appeals Committee Reports, Charitable Giving to LMSRF, Grants-In-Aid Recipients, Patti McMahon & Susie Rieck & Lisa Alberti & Erin Noyes Grant Report, Best on Lake Michigan Results, LMSRF Representative Steve Lowery Wins Yacht Racing Union of the Great Lakes Richardson Trophy, I Too Have A Dream, Volunteers Needed, From the Race Committee Boat.
Commodore's Note, Outside of the Box Thinking, Area III Report, Area IV Report, Running the LMSRF Business, 2016 Olympic Games in Chicago Part II, Milwaukee Youth Sailing Programs Teach Lessons Beyond the Boat, US Sailing Withdraws Mandatory Membership Proposal, USCG Event Permit Application, From the RC Boat, Contact Your Representative Concerning the Clean Water Act, A Smashing Success - LMSRF's 1st Yacht Club Manager's Seminar, Cherry Pit Junior Regatta, Calendar of Events.
Commodore's Note, Todd Wake Grant Report, Boat & Gear Donations - Time's Running Out!, Grant Recipient List, The LMSRF Volunteers, Who Are They?, Best on Lake Michigan Results, 2016 Olympic Games in Chicago Part 1, LMSRF Match Racing Championship NOR, Area II Survey, Appeals Committee Report, From the RC Boat, Changes-Changes-Changes, Area III Report, Area IV Report, Area V Report, Calendar.
Commodore's Note, LMSRF is Moving Ahead, Who are the Professionals? Donating Boats and Boat Goods, Area III Report, Area IV Report, Free Money for LMSRF Members, Sailing School, Best on Lake Michigan NOR, LMSRF Volunteer - Nancy Glover, Donald Thinschmidt, Jr. Grant Report, Area V Report, USCG Marine Event Application, Calendar.
Youth Calendar, Commodore's Note, BPYC Racing Essentials 101, Donate to LMSRF, Peter Johnson & Carol Tibus Grant Report, Terry Bischoff National Race Officer Report, 11/12/05 LMSRF Board Minutes.
Midwest High School Wins Gold Medal, Waukegan Yacht Club Sailing Seminars, LMSRF at Strictly Sail February 2006, Donate to LMSRF, Richardson Trophy Results, 2006 Youth Calendar, Best on Lake Michigan Results, New Commodore, Grants-In-Aid Recipients.
Andrew Criezis Grant Report, Commodore's Note, Donate to LMSRF, IRS Changes Boat Donation Rules, International Lightning Class Association Juniors Women's Masters North American Championship at at Milwaukee Yacht Club, Comments on US Sailing Bylaws Changes, Brian Porter Wins E-Scow Nationals, Harbor Park Condo Development in Kenosha Selling Fast, LMSRF Annual Meeting Agenda, Sandra Williams Grant Report, Richard Chapman Grant Report, Grants-In-Aid Recipients.
LMSRF Supports US Sailing Safety at Sea Seminar at Columbia Yacht Club, LMSRF Woman Win Championship Regattas, LMSRF Establishes Lake Michigan Match Racing Championship, 4/24/04 Board Minutes.
Commodore's Note, Seminar Calendar, AED/Crew Safety, Bill Faude Grant Report, Port Huron Offshore 100.
Commodore's Note, Kaszube Cup NOR, LMSRF Youth Championship NOR, Judges Training Workshop, LMSRF Office News, Grants-In-Aid Recipients, Craig Thompson and Blake DeBoer Grant Report, 288 Americap II Entries for Mackinac Race.
Commodore's Note, Tips to Success in Americap II Racing, Alert: Reflective Tape on Boat Hulls Legislation (note - defeated), Rolex Next Step Program (for Junior Women Sailors), International Catamaran Challenge Trophy, Sailing Instructors Needed, LMSRF Appeals Committee Reports, 3/22/03 LMSRF Board Minutes.
LMSRF Seminar on Americap II at Strictly Sail, Commodore's Note, Adam Bowen Grant Report, Area III Report, New LMSRF Officers, Fujio Photography, Bret Leibmann Grant Report, Americap II Measurer's Training, Best on Lake Michigan Results and 10% Increase in Participation, YRUGL Richardson Trophy Results, US Sailing Lloyd Phoenix Results, POW Eliminations.
Commodore's Note, Mac 2002 - The Capsizing of Caliente: A view from the Water, Sandra Williams Grant Report, Bemis Smythe Semi-Finals Results at Milwaukee Yacht Club.