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Grants-in-Aid A Benefit of Membership |
Lake Michigan Sailing Hall of Fame |
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2024 LMSRF Annual Appeal
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation has faced unprecedented demand for Grants-in-Aid over the last two years. To be better prepared for this growing need, we seek stronger support for our Annual Appeal. Our most common grant is for US Sailing Level 1 Instructor which cost $465 in 2024. Please be as generous as you can. Thank you. https://tinyurl.com/2024LMSRFAA
Racine Yacht Club is honored to host the 2025 LMSRF Youth Championship. It will be in conjunction withour Andrea T. Regatta. It will be held on Thursday and Friday, July 31 & August 1, 2025.
For our members our charitable arm provides sailing education; organization and coordination of safe and fair sailboat racing; financial support to competitors to distant major championships; championships for adult & youth; communications; and recognizes greatness in the sport of sailboat racing on Lake Michigan.
1245 West Gull Lake Drive | Richland, MI 49083 | 312.857.6640 T | 786.358.3605 F | www.lmsrf.org
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