Hall of Fame 2023, Raymond Teborek
Raymond "Ray" Teborek
Few individuals have contributed as much time and talent as Raymond “Ray” Teborek. He was a lifelong volunteer in the sport of sail boating and sail racing.
Ray spent 25 years mentoring the junior sailing program at Chicago Yacht Club and the Midwest Inter-Scholastic Sailing Association. He served the Chicago Yacht Club Race Committee for 25 years, serving as
Chair in 1979 and became a recipient of the Kay Baxter Recognition Trophy in 2006.
He served the Chicago Yacht Club Race to Mackinac Committee for 15 years, Chicago Yacht Club Protest Committee for 22 years and was Chair 3 years (1986-1989), was the Chicago Yacht Club Lake Michigan Yachting Association (predecessor organization to Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation) delegate for 3 years, the Chicago Yacht Club Junior Activities Committee for 21 years, the Chicago Yacht Club Sea Scouts program for 5 years, the United States Yacht Racing Union as a Judge from 1979-1996, the United States Yacht Racing Union Appeals Committee (1987-1996), and was a member of the Chicago Yacht Club Board of Directors.
Ray served the Inter-Scholastic Sailing Association Board of Directors for 8 years. He was a two-time recipient of the Inter-Scholastic Sailing Association Jeff Spranger Award, in recognition of his extraordinary dedication and selflessness in cheerful accomplishment of the many tasks which make school sailing work for sailors, in 2000 and and again in 2009.
Ray was the recipient of the United States Yacht Racing Union Arthur B. Hanson Rescue Medal in 2001.
Ray influenced the sailing careers of many sailors on Lake Michigan. He created and endowed the Teborek Family Trophy which is given to the top junior male sailor each year at Chicago Yacht Club. This trophy serves as an incentive to those junior sailing program participants who have gained the highest levels of junior sailing skill.
Ray competed in 27 Chicago to Mackinac races and in 2018, with his sons and lifelong crew members, he won the coveted Mackinac Trophy aboard his sail yacht Challenge.
Raymond Teborek is hereby inducted to the Lake Michigan Sailing Hall of Fame.
December 6, 2023
Raymond Teborek was nominated by the Board of Directors of Chicago Yacht Club.
Hall of Fame 2023, Dean Cady
Dean Cady
It is not often that a one-design sailor contributes to the improvement of sailing and sailboat racing. However, Dean Cady is one of those.
Dean started sailing in a rowboat using an umbrella for the sail. He made it work. That attitude prevailed through his sailing career. He elected to join the Lightning class to have his children, two daughters and one son, sail with him in all the races in which he participated. He was an excellent teacher, for he regularly was at the top of the fleet. His talents were noticed and he was invited to race on offshore boats in both the Chicago and Port Huron Mackinac Races.
Dean joined Milwaukee Yacht Club in 1961 and in addition to his sailing, he elected to volunteer in the sport by becoming a US Sailing certified Race Officer and Judge. He was asked and accepted the charge to be Regatta Chair for the 1983 Finn Gold Cup, that class’ World Championship, with a fleet of 94 boats off shore at Milwaukee. In addition to that, he has been the Principal Race Officer for many national regattas sponsored by Milwaukee Yacht Club.
He served as a judge for over 20 years for the Chicago and Port Huron Mackinac Races. Additionally, his judging activity included the 2006 US Singlehanded National Championship in Milwaukee and many times at Antigua Sailing Week. He was Chief Judge for Milwaukee Yacht Club for many years and served on numerous juries.
Dean has been a World Sailing (formerly International Sailing Federation) International Judge, US Sailing Senior Judge, was the US Sailing Chair of the Championship of Champions and served on the US Sailing Singlehanded Championships Committee. He has served as Lightning Class Vice President, was Head of Rules and Regulations, and is a Past Commodore – International Lightning Class Association Midwest District.
Dean spent many years active in Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation leadership, serving as Judge Advocate, Chair of the Grants-In-Aid Committee, Appeals Committee, Donation Committee and is a past Commodore.
Finally, Dean was named to the 1982 Merritt R. Hayes Memorial Trophy-Yachtsman of the Year Award at Milwaukee Yacht Club. All this occurred with the continued loving and support from his lovely wife, Lois.
LMSRF proudly inducts Dean Cady into the Lake Michigan Sailing Hall of Fame.
March 30, 2023
Dean Cady was nominated by the Board of Directors of Milwaukee Yacht Club.
Hall of Fame 2023, S. Fredric Horwitz
S. Fredric Horwitz, M.D.
Few individuals have had as much of an impact on bringing the youth into the sport of sailing and sail racing as has Fred Horwitz.
Fred, almost singlehandedly, was responsible for the creation of the Denis Sullivan, a three masted schooner developed by the Wisconsin Lake Schooner Education Association to be used to teach and train the young to master sailing, navigation and maintenance of sailing vessels. The vessel carries 50 people for day sailing and 21 youth for training cruises. Fred was responsible for raising $750,000 to build and launch the Denis Sullivan in 2000. It has taken many young people on these training cruises every year since.
Fred began his sailing career in the early 1960’s while in medical training, beginning in a Penguin dinghy. As financial success occurred for him, he began sail racing in the seventies and continues at this writing participating in the Wednesday night Milwaukee Yacht Club races on his boat, Halley Rose.
Few have given so freely of their time as Fred has to train and serve the sport. He is a US Sailing certified Senior Race Officer. Fred is a certified National Judge having served as a club, regional, national and international judge at many clubs and events, including at Milwaukee Yacht Club, South Shore Yacht Club, Ephraim Yacht Club, Punta Gorda Yacht Club, and Charlotte Harbor Yacht Club. He has served and chaired protest committees for Chicago to Mackinac races, Queen’s Cup races and on many National and World Championship juries.
Fred has received the Merritt R. Hayes Memorial Trophy-Yachtsman of the Year Award at Milwaukee Yacht Club, is Past Commodore of the Midget Ocean Racing Club fleet, served on the US Sailing Board of Directors, Safety at Sea Committee, and the Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation Appeals Committee.
Fred is a member of the Milwaukee Community Sailing Center. At the center he teaches navigation and seamanship. The Milwaukee Journal named Fred’s Pinocchio as the “Boat of the Year” twelve years in a row.
A creditably kind and gentle person, Fred Horwitz is herewith inducted into the Lake Michigan Sailing Hall of Fame.
March 30, 2023
S. Fredrick Horwitz was nominated by the Board of Directors of Milwaukee Yacht Club.
Hall of Fame 2022, L. Joe Schiller
L. Joe Schiller
How many skippers do you know who placed in section or overall 92 times in eighteen years (1970-1988)? A true rarity belonging to Joe Schiller.
Joe started his sailing career in Port Huron, Michigan as a youngster. He served in World War II and moved to Muskegon, Michigan after the war. He acquired a 30 Square Meter sailboat, served as a sailing instructor, started Saturday morning Junior sail races and served as the Race Committee for many years. He served the Flag line of Western Michigan Yachting Association, Dock and Yard chair for Muskegon Yacht Club, and Commodore of Muskegon Yacht Club.
His sail racing included Mackinac races, a 100 Miler in Green Bay and every manner of races on the East shore of Lake Michigan. He shared his expertise and philosophy with all listeners.
Joe sailed the 1978 Mackinac Race on the vessel, Aries. Well known Lake Michigan sailor Bill Tripp suffered a heart attack in the Straits of Mackinac and Joe handled the radio communications with the Coast Guard. After the race the Coast Guard acknowledged his sophisticated handling of communications in the effort to save Bill’s life.
Many of the sailing community are thankful that Joe elected Muskegon area for his livelihood and recreation. It is only appropriate that Joe Schiller is inducted into the Lake Michigan Sailing Hall of Fame.
May 29, 2022
L. Joe Schiller was nominated by the Board of Directors of Muskegon Yacht Club.
Hall of Fame 2022, Betty Clark
Betty Clark
Not many women have donated as much time and talent as has Betty Clark to further the sport of sailing on Lake Michigan and Spring Lake.
Like so many of us, she was introduced to the sport by a neighbor who invited her and her husband out for a day sail. She got hooked immediately and bought the neighbor’s boat and learned all of the nuances, acquired all the books and magazines, including the racing rules book, to be sure she knew what to do in all situations.
She took classes through the Coast Guard Auxiliary, refining her knowledge. She obtained a Captain’s license to run charters, knowing there were people who wanted to experience sailing to determine if they wanted to commit to learning how to sail.
Betty has held every flag position at Grand River Sailing Club and has served and continues to serve on many committees.
Betty created sailing classes at Grand River Sailing Club and Spring Lake Yacht Club. It is believed that such classes are the reason Grand River Sailing Club continues to exist. She established sailing classes for both young and old and assists local high school sailing teams in their adventures. Betty has been instrumental in getting women onto the water, proven by the participation of 30 women in the 2020 Annual Maiden Race.
Betty’s encouragement of women to participate in the sport of sailing is well known. She will be presenting a boating and racing safety seminar at the Midwest Women’s Sailing Conference in May 2022, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Betty’s dedication to the young and women to introduce them to the sport of sailing has kept Grand River Sailing Club active and meaningful in Grand Haven, Michigan. Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation is proud to induct Betty Clark into the Lake Michigan Sailing Hall of Fame.
May 6, 2022
Betty Clark was nominated by the Board of Directors of Grand River Sailing Club.
Hall of Fame 2021, Louis Sandoval
Louis Sandoval
Louis Sandoval has had two elements to his career in the sport of sailing – professional and volunteer – on Lake Michigan. Having learned the arts of business in the Biotech and Pharmaceutical industries, he established the marine dealership, Karma Yacht Sales. As a dealer for Beneteau Yachts he sold 41 Beneteau First 36.7 yachts and 16 Beneteau First 40.7 yachts. The Beneteau First 36.7 fleet is the largest offshore one-design yacht fleet globally and one of the largest to this day on LakeMichigan. His dealership’s sales activity made him a perennial winner of Beneteau President’s Top Gun Award for exemplary sales and service. Through service on the North American Dealer advisory council- Sandoval was influential in the product design and offering for the North American market for Groupe Beneteau.
He was awarded the Maestro Award for Entrepreneurship by Latino Leaders Magazine in 2018.
Lou served as a Fleet Officer of the Beneteau First 36.7 Fleet and was Chair of the 2004 and 2008 Beneteau First 36.7 North American Championships.
He was named to the Whitney Young Award by the Boy Scouts of America in 2015 for his service and impact to diverse and underserved communities.
Lou was winner of the Boating Industry Movers and Shakers Award in 2013-recognition for his involvement on numerous industry boards and councils including Sail America, Yacht Brokers Association of America, Recreational Boating Leadership Council and the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation.
Louis Sandoval’s volunteerism is even greater. He created the Diversity and Inclusion strategy for US Sailing, implemented in 2020. He was a contributor to the US Sailing REACH Program Instructor’s Guide for STEM education. He served as a Council Commissioner and Vice President of the Boy Scouts of America, leading a four-council merger into one and driving the council’s Hispanic Initiative to create outreach to underserved communities and reforming the Sea Scout program in Chicago during his seven years in the role.
Through his work with youth organizations Lou has created a pathway to the water for many Latinos through programs at Chicago Yacht Club and the Chicago Park District and continues to serve as an advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion to grow the sport of sailing.
At Chicago Yacht Club, Lou has served on the Board of Directors, as Chair of the Chicago-Mackinac Race Committee, and as Rear Commodore, Vice Commodore and Commodore. Lou’s steadfast leadership through the COVID-19 pandemic period helped keep the club viable, strong, and relevant.
Lou’s sailing record includes having competed in 21 Chicago-Mackinac races, two Transpacific Yacht Races, one Victoria-Maui Race, one Newport to Bermuda Race and many Lake Michigan sail races. Sandoval has nine section wins and numerous podium finishes in the Chicago Yacht Club Race to Mackinac (eight aboard his yacht Karma and one on Eagle).
December 8, 2021
The Board of Directors of Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation welcomes Louis Sandoval into the Lake Michigan Sailing Hall of Fame.
Hall of Fame 2021, Charlie Manning
Charlie Manning
When Charlie Manning’s petition for nomination to the Lake Michigan Sailing Hall of Fame was being composed, many contributed information to his nomination. It was difficult to precipitate the information into this short document. Charlie Manning joined Racine Yacht Club, Racine, Wisconsin, at age 25 and has supported Racine Yacht Club and its activities through the years since.
He has served on the Hook Race Committee, been Entertainment Director, Sea Badge staff, Wood Badge Course Director, Rear Commodore, Nominating Committee member, Chair of the 100 Year Anniversary Committee, and Commodore for 2012 to 2015. He taught in the acclaimed Racine Yacht Club Adult Sailing Program.
Charlie is a strong supporter of youth sailing serving in the leadership role of Racine Yacht Club’s Sea Scout Ship 5750. This entailed teaching basic and advanced sailing skills such as navigation, towing, radio use, anchoring and sailing safety. These skills were applied in eight-day Lake Michigan cruises he organized with up to 16 coed Sea Scouts applying their lessons. His training activity would be continued in winter months with the Scouts building wind generators and land sailing carts, learning boat and engine maintenance, repair, welding, electrical components and amplifiers.
As a result of his tireless work as a Skipper in the Sea Scouts, Charlie has been awarded the prestigious Silver Beaver Award, Venturing Leadership Award and the Wood Badge.
In 2016 Charlie introduced the US Sailing STEM program into the Youth sailing program, as he serves as a Board Member of the Racine Youth Sailing Foundation.
In 2016 Charlie was elected as a Trustee for the Village of Wind Point and was appointed Chair of the Wind Point Lighthouse. He is responsible for hiring the caretaker of Wind Point Lighthouse. He is quite knowledgeable of all Lake Michigan lighthouses.
While giving of himself to the training of others, he races his own sailboat Winter is Coming in the Queen’s Cup Race, Hook Race, doublehanded and Wednesday night races, and many other regattas.
When Charlie sails and races his own boat he reminds his crew, “Stay in the boat, don’t hit nothin’, no injuries or hurt feelings, we got to use this same equipment tomorrow.”
The Board of Directors of Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation welcomes Charlie Manning into the Lake Michigan Sailing Hall of Fame.
November 16, 2021
Charlie Manning was nominated by the Racine Yacht Club to the Lake Michigan Sailing Hall of Fame.
Hall of Fame 2020, Jean and Donald Bergman
Jean and Don Bergman met in the mid-1970s at Sheridan Shore Yacht Club in Wilmette, Illinois. Each had been involved in the sport of sailing for many years before: Jean as Director of Winnetka Yacht Club’s Junior Fleet sailing program and Don’s exposure from his father’s involvement as a founder of Sheridan Shore Yacht Club.
They married in 1976 and established their home in Winnetka, Illinois. They were very active in Winnetka Yacht Club activities, being key players in the “Super Sail Regatta” and club planning. Sailing off the beach was very popular and the Bergmans were leaders in this formation. Jean was Chair of the 1985 Sunfish Womens North American Championship sailed on Lake Michigan off Winnetka.
Hall of Fame 2020, Seymour Padnos

Many different stories are told describing what brought people to the sport of sailing. Here’s another. Seymour Padnos’ father traded a wood planer to Jesiek Brothers shipyard in exchange for a wooden boat from a fleet being constructed by Jesiek’s. Seymour and his brother joined Macatawa Bay Yacht Club in 1938 to begin their sailing careers. After World War II they bought a Tripp 33 designed Medalist from Peter Grimm of Chicago. This began Seymour’s uninterrupted involvement in sail racing that lasted for over 76 years.
Seymour recognized that sailing was an activity which was clean, safe and worthy of life-long involvement. He led local development of youth sail training at Bay Haven (now Bayshore Yacht Club), facilitating the construction of a fleet of wooden Optimist dinghies in 1959. He freely gave his time serving the Lake Michigan Yacht Association, eventually serving as Commodore of the sail fleet. Continuing service to the sport, he was nominated as Rear Commodore of Macatawa Bay Yacht Club, continuing on to Commodore in 1970.
Hall of Fame 2020, Thomas Atkins
The state of Ohio lost the talents of Tom Atkins in 1987 when he elected to move to Sheboygan, Wisconsin. He had started a Junior sailing program at Toledo Country Club, helped initiate the University of Toledo Sailing Club, and established a sailing program for the Aquatics Department at the University of Pittsburgh.
In Sheboygan in 1989 he established his own marketing business, using his skills successfully and applying those skills to create, improve and manage sailing programs. Sheboygan Yacht Club’s Commodore asked Tom to Chair a committee to start a Junior sailing program. This entailed setting a budget, financing, fundraising, sponsorship, site location, and establishment of a 501(c)(3) Foundation. Initially, the Foundation acquired a fleet of ten Optimist Dinghies. The organization matured into the Sheboygan Youth Sailing Club, which now has fleets of J/24s, Lightnings, 420s, Lasers, a high school sailing team, and adult sailing lessons, now serving several hundred people per season.